Introducing Dr Bob Eckles

In June, we had the great pleasure of welcoming Dr Bob Eckles DPM, MPH, to our team, as Clinical Director.

Dr Eckles was Associate Dean and the Director of the 3-year post-graduate Foot and Ankle Surgery Residency Program at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. He joined the faculty in 1997 and was there until earlier this year when he and his wife moved to New Zealand. Bob first trained as a podiatrist at the California College of Podiatric Medicine in 1983, having already completed a BA and a Masters in Public Health.

Today, Bob is thrilled to be associated with FSI and to work to advance the cause and science of foot and leg mechanics. In his words “Foot and leg mechanics is one thing that distinguishes podiatrists in the health care economy: the unique expertise which should inform foot surgery, wound care and sports medicine and of which we should truly be loud and proud to own.”- Bob Eckles

We are very excited to have Bob on the Foot Science team and look forward to sharing his expertise with you.

Learn More About Bob

Episode 1- Decision Making in Plantar Heel Pain

The first in the series looked at the most common complaint, plantar heel pain. To tune in and hear from one of America’s leading podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeon’s view on: Proud to be a Pod group

  • What are the key things we’ve learned about heel pain in the last 30 years?
  • What do some of the important data say about heel pain?
  • Are we treating the same disease as 20-30 years ago?
  • What does and does not work… and when?
  • How can you use Formthotics to produce the best results?
Bibliography – Episode 1

Episode 2- Subtalar Joint Neutral Position- Fact, Fiction and Functions

Since Merton Root began promoting this as a core part of his teaching back in the 60’s, subtalar joint neutral has been a central feature of podiatry and orthotic therapy. In fact, many podiatrists, physio’s, orthotists, and other clinicians still use it when assessing patients and designing orthoses.
But what are the facts around it and how much relevance does it have in podiatry today? Dr Bob Eckles took a deep dive into the topic in an attempt to answer the question: do we still need neutral position?
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
  • The historical nature of the concept of neutral position.
  • Limitations of the concept and application of it, to clinical practice.
  • What the literature now tells us about neutral position.
  • Related quantitative and qualitative assessments.
  • Does “neutral position” still matter?

Join the Proud to be Pod community and connect with our team, share your thoughts and learn from other podiatrists in New Zealand.

Check out the group here.

Bibliography – Episode 2

Episode 3- The Biomechanics of Fixed Position Sports

The running boom of the seventies pushed podiatry into the mainstream of sports medicine and the profession has never been the same, since. But let’s not stop there; Evidence based application of mechanical principles can greatly benefit athletes who participate in fixed foot position sports- i.e., those sports lacking a normal gait cycle.

In this webinar, we focused on the biomechanical aspects of these sports and how you can improve performance with appropriate orthoses. You’ll takeaway with:
  • Overview of foot/leg mechanics across skiing, skating and cycling
  • Pathomechanics within these sports
  • Podiatric intervention strategies

Join the Proud to be Pod community and connect with our team, share your thoughts and learn from other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Episode 4- Geriatric Gait and Fall Risk Reduction

In Episode 4 of the Formthotics Webinar Series (Geriatric Gait and Fall Risk Reduction), Dr Bob Eckles discusses the changes that happen to gait, as we age. He looks at the causes and the impacts of those changes. As a podiatrist, you can make a profound difference to your patients’ ability to remain active, with improved confidence and safety.

In this webinar, you will find out some of the ways you can make an instant difference, and take the following knowledges with you:
  • Gait and biomechanical changes commonly and objectively seen
  • How do these impact orthosis design?
  • Assessing vulnerability to fall
  • Factors which impact fall risk
  • Modifying fall risk mechanics/behaviour

Join the Proud to be Pod community and connect with our team, share your thoughts and learn from other podiatrists in New Zealand.

Bibliography – Episode 4

Episode 5- Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is an overuse injury that can affect anyone, particularly those who perform activities such as running, jumping and participating in more strenuous training.

Achilles’ tendon pathology is exceedingly common. In episode 5 we discussed some causes of Achilles tendinopathy you might not have considered. We talked about assessment and non-operative solutions. You will walk away with:

  • Clarifying nomenclature
  • Epidemiology of the condition
  • Common presentations
  • Assessment options
  • Pathomechanical causes of tendonopathy
  • Non-operative modalities for treatment

Join the Proud to be Pod community and connect with our team, share your thoughts and learn from other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Episode 6- Popular trends in running footwear – what do we know?

Competitive Running Footwear has changed. New performance standards, and injury rates, are being seen. What does it all mean for us clinicians?

In this episode, we will be looking at the diverse designs of modern running footwear and their impact on the lower limb. We will consider whether performance and injury prevention are trade-offs, and what we can do as clinicians to optimise an athlete’s preferred shoe choice.

At the end of the webinar, you will learn:

  • A half-century of shoe evolution
  • The minimalist era
  • The carbon era
  • Rocker shoe design and its mechanical and performance implications
  • Orthosis design for high performance running shoes

Join the Proud to be Pod community and connect with our team, share your thoughts and learn from other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Episode 7- The older athlete

We are all getting older and most of us hope to be called an “older athlete” at some stage in our life. So, as podiatrists, what can we do to help keep these inspirational people fit and healthy? As tissues and bones change, so does the way we need to treat them. Learn more on how we can help the old athlete to keep them active and healthy.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Cultural trends for older people and sport
  • The effect of exercise on the “norms” of aging
  • The nutritional needs of the older athlete
  • The effect of exercise on osteoarthritis
  • The effect of joint implantation on fitness/biomechanics
  • Biomechanical changes we expect in the elderly
  • Modifying orthosis/shoe recommendations

Join the Proud to be Pod community and connect with our team, share your thoughts and learn from other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Episode 8 – “Disordered Mechanics of the Diabetic Foot”

Podiatrists often question what their unique value is, as a medical professional. The foremost area in which podiatrists can make a profound difference, around the world, is in the area of Diabetes Mellitus. Outcomes in diabetic foot care have plateaued. Changing this requires thinking and acting strategically, aiming at preventing the first wound.

In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • Epidemiology of DM
  • DM gait and wounding mechanics
  • Type III DM
  • Biomechanics of amputation
  • Opportunities for success in diabetic foot disease
  • Tactical vs strategic effort

Watch the webinar now and learn from the expert.

Don’t forget to join the Proud to be a Pod Facebook group to connect with other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Episode 9 – “ The Disordered Mechanics of the Amputated Foot”

We looked at what happens after surgical intervention in the diabetic foot. How can we intervene to produce better outcomes?

During this webinar, Dr Bob Eckles discussed about:

  • Anatomic considerations in amputation
  • Regional and proximal sequellae of local amputation
  • Re-(and re) amputation. Why?
  • The work of the lower extremity surgeon in creating a positive outcome
  • In-shoe foot orthosis adaptation to amputation
  • The need for proximal intervention

Watch the webinar now and learn from the expert.

Don’t forget to join the Proud to be a Pod Facebook group to connect with other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Episode 10 – Stress Fracture Syndromes in Sports Medicine & The Female Athlete”

with Dr Bob Eckles

Stress fractures are common lower extremity events. This webinar will review the assessment and management of frequently seen presentations and extend the discussion to MTSS and the female athlete, including RED-S.

In this webinar, we will review:

  • Common lower extremity sites of stress fracture
  • Assessment standards for stress fracture
  • Interventions for LE stress fracture
  • The Female athlete and RED-S

Watch the on-demand video now and learn with us.

Don’t forget to join the Proud to be a Pod Facebook group to connect with other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Special Edition – “ The Success of Mechanical Intervention Above the Foot”

with Dr Bob Eckles
This webinar, by Dr Bob Eckles takes a critical look at the research around the effectiveness of foot orthoses at treating mechanical issues of the knee, hip and lower back. Are your orthotic interventions evidence-based, or merely optimistic?

Watch the webinar now and find out.

Don’t forget to join the Proud to be a Pod Facebook group to connect with other podiatrists in New Zealand.


Special Edition – Total Knee Replacement and Foot Posture

with Dr Bob Eckles

Welcome to our insightful webinar on the complex interplay between knee osteoarthritis (OA) and total knee replacement (TKR), presented by our medical director, Dr. Bob Eckles. This evidence-based session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the following topics:

  • What is the current epidemiology of knee OA and TKR?
  • How is foot posture related to knee OA?
  • Is the opposite also true? eg: Does knee OA cause per valgus?
  • What are the effects of pes valgus on the success of TKR?
  • And again, is the opposite also true? eg: Can TKR improve foot posture?
  • Where and how may podiatrists intervene?
  • Is there reason to exercise caution when dealing with these patients?

Watch the on-demand video now and learn with us.

Don’t forget to join the Proud to be a Pod Facebook group to connect with other podiatrists in New Zealand.