Lisa Hinchcliff

Lisa Hinchcliff

Greenlane Podiatry Ltd

As owner and Senior Podiatrist of Greenlane Podiatry, Lisa really likes helping people by treating their feet. She has seen the abuse they take – and how having healthy feet can add to your well-being. After 30 years as a qualified podiatrist, she feels lucky to have a career built on her passion. She loves seeing patients improve their lives through treatment and education – even addressing a small problem can have a huge impact. Her goal is to have her patients NOT have to come back! She addresses underlying problems to get her patients to the point where they can stretch monthly appointments out to three or six monthly.

Why did you choose podiatry?

I’d been working in recruitment but wanted to do more to help people and wanted to do something medical. I’ve always liked feet and thought they were the most underrated part of the body. I’d also been looking after my Dad’s feet for a few years, and he said I should give podiatry a go. So, I did.

Q. Who has been your main inspiration in podiatry?
A. Belinda Smith. Belinda is a podiatrist who specialises in sports and was very supportive of me early in my career and gave me heaps of help getting into my business and learning the ropes. Also, Jean Chivers who was our clinical supervisor at the podiatry school in Wellington. She was a perfectionist and expected us to provide an excellent level of care. That’s something I’ve taken with me all these years.
Q. What is the most common condition you treat?
A. Ingrown toenails and plantar fasciitis.
Q. What is the most unusual condition that you treat?
A. I guess the most unusual are the patients I have treated with extra toes. Helping them with shoes and inserts is a real challenge.
Q. What is your favourite treatment that gets the best results?
A. Laser for treating fungal nails.
Q. What advice would you give your newly qualified self?
A. Set up one clinic and don’t diversify, or get too big, too early. Focus on giving the best service you can, to your patients.
Q. What are you most proud of in your career?
A. My longevity in the profession, and that I still see a lot of patients who have been with me for the entire 30 years.
Q. What would people be surprised to know about you?
A. My first business at the age of ten was breeding mice, and selling them to the local pet shop.
Q. What’s the funniest thing that’s happened with a patient?
A. When I was young, I was debriding a nail and didn’t realise there was an infection under it, and a huge fountain of pus came out and sprayed all over my apron.
Q. What can a new podiatrist do to connect with the profession?
A. Get in touch, and keep in touch, with other podiatrists in your area so that you have someone to help you when you need it and just to talk with. Be open-minded to new ideas and treatments.
Q. Who’s the most famous person you’ve treated?
A. I can’t name names, but I’ve treated a lot of international sportspeople, some amazing musicians and two Prime Ministers.